Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

EWF Tonight

Let's Groove Tonight at the Boogie Wonderland... A Fantasy, 3 months after September... the venue will be set on Serpentine Fire, even After The Love Has Gone.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Growing Old

One of the perils with growing older is that you start getting afraid and you have fear, because you have more to lose. When we were younger, we didn't have much so we didn't risk much. As a result, life was simpler, decisions could be made quicker. You only really had yourself to think about.

As you grow older, you invest more in relationships, in careers, in decisions. Life starts to get difficult as you find yourself weighing the pros and cons of every situation, every option. Then you start to have people you really care about, which make decisions less likely to be selfish because you actually have to think about the people around you - how your actions may impact them, and if they may actually know you better than you think.

Being an adult has its perks, like having your own apartment, traveling solo, making your own money and creating your own destiny (of sorts). But it definitely doesn't get easier.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Look At Me

We all need someone to look at us. We can be divided into four categories according to the kind of look we wish to live under.

The first category longs for the look of an infinite number of anonymous eyes, in other words, for the look of the public. That is the case with the German singer, the American actress, and even the tall, stooped editor with the big chin. He was accustomed to his readers, and when one day the Russians banned his newspaper, he had the feeling that the atmosphere was suddenly a hundred times thinner. Nothing could replace the look of unknown eyes. He thought he would suffocate. Then one day he realized that he was constantly being followed, bugged, and surreptitiously photographed in the street. Suddenly he had anonymous eyes on him and he could breathe again! He began making theatrical speeches to the microphones in his wall. In the police, he had found his lost public.

The second category is made up of people who have a vital need to be looked at by many known eyes. They are the tireless host of cocktail parties and dinners. They are happier than the people in the first category, who, when they lose their public, have the feeling that the lights have gone out in the room of their lives. This happens to nearly all of them sooner or later. People in the second category, on the other hand, can always come up with the eyes they need. Marie-Claude and her daughter belong in the second category.

Then there is the third category, the category of people who need to be constantly before the eyes of the person they love. Their situation is as dangerous as the situation of people in the first category. One day the eyes of their beloved will close, and the room will go dark. Tereza and Tomas belong in the third category.

And finally there is the fourth category, the rarest, the category of people who live in the imaginary eyes of those who are not present. They are the dreamers. Franz, for example. He traveled to the borders of Cambodia only for Sabina. As the bus bumped along the Thai road, he could feel her eyes fixed on him in a long stare.

- Excerpt from Milan Kundera's "The Unbearable Lightness of Being"

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Unspoken Words and Guilt

Without lifting his head from the pillow, he turned to her and nearly gasped: the grief burning in her eyes was unbearable.

"Tell me, Tereza, what's wrong? Something's been going on inside you lately. I can feel it. I know it."

"No." She shook her head. "There's nothing wrong."

"There's no point in denying it."

"It's still the same things," she said.

"The same things" meant her jealously and his infidelities.

But Tomas would not let up. "No, Tereza. This time it's something different. It's never been this bad before."

"Well then, I'll tell you," she said. "Go and wash your hair."

He did not understand.

The tone of her explanation was sad, unantagonistic, almost gentle. "For months now your hair has had a strong odor to it. It smells of female genitals. I didn't want to tell you, but night after night I've had to breathe in the groin of some mistress of yours."

The moment she finished, his stomach began hurting again. He was desperate. The scrubbings he'd put himself through! Body, hands, face, to make sure not the slightest trace of their odors remained behind. He'd even avoided their fragrant soaps, carrying his own harsh variety with him at all times. But he'd forgotten about his hair! It had never occurred to him!

Then he remembered the woman who had straddled his face and wanted him to make love to her with it and with the crown of his head. He hated her now. What stupid ideas! He saw there was no use denying it. All he could do was laugh a silly laugh and head for the bathroom to wash his hair.

But she stroked his forehead again and said, "Stay here in bed. Don't bother washing it out. I'm used to it by now."

His stomach was killing him, and he longed for peace and quiet. "I'll write to that patient of mine, the one we met at the spa. Do you know the district where his village is?"


Tomas was having great trouble talking. All he could say was, "Woods... rolling hills..."

"That's right. That's what we'll do. We'll go away from here. But no talking now..." And she kept stroking his forehead. They lay there side by side, neither saying a word. Slowly the pain began to recede. Soon they were both asleep.

- An excerpt from Milan Kundera's The Unbearable Lightness of Being

Wednesday, November 18, 2009



We've got on a date on 1st Dec!!! I'm putting on my dancing shoes, and you old farts better put up a good show!!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

La Vida es Sueño

La Vida es Sueño - Pedro Caldéron de la Barca

Sueña el rey que es rey, y vive
con este engaño mandando,
disponiendo y gobernando;
y este aplauso, que recibe
prestado, en el viento escribe,
y en cenizas le convierte
la muerte, ¡desdicha fuerte!
¿Que hay quien intente reinar,
viendo que ha de despertar
en el sueño de la muerte?

Sueña el rico en su riqueza,
que más cuidados le ofrece;
sueña el pobre que padece
su miseria y su pobreza;
sueña el que a medrar empieza,
sueña el que afana y pretende,
sueña el que agravia y ofende,
y en el mundo, en conclusión,
todos sueñan lo que son,
aunque ninguno lo entiende.

Yo sueño que estoy aquí
destas prisiones cargado,
y soñé que en otro estado
más lisonjero me vi.
¿Qué es la vida? Un frenesí.
¿Qué es la vida? Una ilusión,
una sombra, una ficción,
y el mayor bien es pequeño:
que toda la vida es sueño,
y los sueños, sueños son.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Nasi Lemak Story

I have always loved a good satisfying dish of Nasi Lemak (rice cooked in coconut milk). From the hearty portions from dedicated restaurants, to the little coconut leaves packed with goodness at the street stall... Such a simple dish of rice, peanuts, deep fried ikan bilis (small anchovies), cucumber slices and the all-important sambal.

Nasi Lemaks were a staple diet for me growing up. Even now. I remember vividly an incident in junior school when i was 10 or 11. I spent my allowance of the day on a steaming plate of Nasi Lemak at a food stall. The plastic plate was orange (and they usually have burnt marks on them, strange), and the utensils were soft silver metal.

I held my precious plate of Nasi Lemak with two hands, and walked cautiously towards the benches. Just as I took another step forward, a little boy (shorter and younger) ran into me and knocked the plate out of my hands.

The next few moments unfolded in front of my eyes in slow motion.

The orange plate slipped out of my hands...
... it flipped over like a failed frisbee...
... my steaming nasi lemak flew through the sky...
... the rice grains took flight...
... the ikan bilis followed in earnest...
... there goes the peanuts...
... the blob of sambal...

then Silence.

I didn't hear the items land, but then it was just there. My allowance Nasi Lemak, all over the floor. The boy looked up with me, with fear and desperation in his eyes.

I was upset. I was angry. I had no more allowance, and my Nasi Lemak was on the floor.

I stared at him with anger welling in my big wide eyes. He dropped his gaze and then ran away. There i stood, in the awkward divide between the stalls and the benches, with the remains of a Nasi Lemak on the floor at my feet and a hundred pairs of eyes on me. I felt lost, embarassed, angry, sad, helpless.. all in one big mixture of emotions. I frankly just didn't know what to do.

The vendor lady called out to me, and told me it was okay before swiftly dishing me another plate of Nasi Lemak. Her generosity was touching, but at that time, it all happened in a daze. I took the new steaming plate, walked past the forsaken predecessor and tried to pretend like nothing happened at all.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sowing Seeds

Paranoia is a thought process heavily influenced by excessive anxiety or fear, often to the point of irrationality and delusion. Paranoid thinking typically includes persecutory beliefs concerning a perceived threat towards oneself. In the original Greek, παράνοια (paranoia) simply meansmadness (para = outside; nous = mind). Historically, this characterization was used to describe any delusional state.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


As I walked home in my 4-inch (thankfully comfortable) purple heels, I decided that it is time to downsize.

Why downsize?
What am I going to downsize?

On the contrary, it is now increasingly easy to upsize. 50 cents more for a bigger pack of fries and a larger cup of coke (on that note, I hate fastfood with a passion), 2 dollars more for an extra 100ml of fabric softener, 1.50 more for that little extra of something, anything, everything. The environment of the blessed encourages us to consume more and more and more and more.

Buy more to save more, doesn't matter if you don't need more.
You never know when you're going to need some.

So where shall i begin to downsize? I have a few ideas.

1) Eat Less

I'm not 18 anymore, and I am no longer doing 40 laps at the swimming pool every alternate day and showing off a lithe and svelte body. Fact is, my metabolism has slowed, and I'm sitting on my ass all day only working my lungs and my fingers. I shouldn't be eating as much as I used to, and it is time for me to start watching what I feed my body. I shouldn't be skipping breakfast, gorging at lunch, and indulging at dinnertime. I don't really need the appetizer to tease my palate or the dessert at the end to clear my palate. And I definitely don't need to be paying an arm and a leg for meals that often.

Eat less and eat healthy.

2) Buy Less

Okay, there are many reasons a woman can come up with to justify a new pair of shoes, a new dress, a new belt and so on. Fact is, no matter how many new pieces we buy, there is NEVER enough clothes to wear, never the right coloured shoes and bags to match, never the right outfit for the mood of the day. If I had been more disciplined, and acquired classic pieces that never go out of style which can be mixed and matched, I would not have needed to buy more. I don't really need to have a new dress for every party, every event and every wedding (which recently, are as frequent as every break up, so why spend all that money?). I don't need to be constantly buying gifts for family and friends just because they could like it or that it could be a nice thing to do. I also don't need to be sponsoring or paying for stuff for others that often. I am sure people won't hold it against me.

Buy less and buy good.

3) Procrastinate Less

End of year is always a time to reflect, a time for melancholy, but is not an excuse to get lazy. I have been too comfortable and so, have been procrastinating more and more, and getting lazy, finding excuses. Oblivious to myself, I am wasting my life when I get lazy, and the laziness seeps into many aspects of my every day. And when I sleep less, I get up earlier, and I then will have time for breakfast and won't gorge at lunch or indulge at dinner.

This also cascades down to: Sleep Less and Laze Less.

4) Dream Less

I am a dreamer, and my dreams motivate me. But dreaming should not distract me from focusing on what's at hand. If I don't focus on what's at hand, I don't move forward, then the dreams remain as dreams. So with dream less, I don't mean stop dreaming... but focus more as I keep a check on the dreaming.

Focus more, and make the dreams happen, so the nett dreaming becomes less.

5) Talk Less

Last (for the moment) but not the least, it won't hurt to talk less and listen more. When I talk less, I will also be less visible, and maybe then, a little less expectations and responsibilities, and more time to focus on what's at hand (see above). Maybe I have been missing out people, things, and changing situations. Talking less will help me to be more aware of my surroundings, get off the radar a little, and turn my attention inwards (which is what we all love to do at the end of the year)

Talk less, listen more and be more aware.
People don't always need to know what you're thinking and you don't always need to get the answers right away.

There, by top 5 downsizing plans that shall start tomorrow. I'm excited about them!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Soy + Latte = ?

I tried a soy latte once, and thought it tasted weird. So when presented the opportunity today, i decided to give it another shot. Maybe the last one just happened to be a bad one. Maybe the soy milk was bad. Maybe.

The soy latte arrived in a latte glass, just like any other lattes I've had. I took a hesitant sip, and my face crunched up in agony.

It still tasted odd.

It just doesn't make sense. I love soy milk, I love lattes. I could drink glasses of them every day and not get sick of it. I use soy milk in my morning cereal, followed by a latte. I have a latte after lunch, sometimes even after dinner.

So why is it that when you combine soy and latte, the concoction is so odd???

Sounds a little like people, coming together, trying to make a relationship work. Girl is great, guy is great. But together, not so great. And you can force yourself to drink the whole glass (I did! I thought perhaps, it's a matter of acquiring the taste...), but you may then just be marked for life and never give it a shot again. But on the other hand, if you never added soy and latte, you would have never known how it'd taste. Then you could try to adjust the amount of soy, and the amount of coffee, till you reach the magical proportion.

Or maybe, you should just continue to drink your soy and latte separately. Keep the soy with the dough fritters and the cereal, and the latte with the choc chip cookies (and the trusty toffee nut syrup!)

Monday, November 2, 2009

Breathe in, Reconnect

Close your eyes, and take a deep breath. Imagine the stream of fresh air cascading down the back of your throat and filling you up with clear, untainted air.

Hold your breath, clear your mind, and focus at the point between your eyes.

Release your breath in a slow steady stream, empty your lungs, feel your stomach collapse.

Wasn't that cleansing?

At the end of the day, all of us should spend a few moments just focusing on our breathing and to reconnect with ourselves. With all that chaos attacking our senses everyday - on the streets, from the TV, from the radio, from our ipods, in the office, at restaurants - it's easy to lose touch with oneself.+

Then before you know it, the day is over.

It's the end of the year... an even more poignant time to reconnect and to refresh!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Starbucks Christmas Drinks are here!!!


No... it can't be...

Hang on, what's....

The Starbucks Christmas Drinks are here... already?!?!?!?!

Despite the grim reminder that the year is coming to an end again (we always say that when it's this time of the year), i'm happy that the Toffee Nut latte is back on the menu. That drink kicks ass and is hella addictive. I doubt it does too much good to your waistline and sugar levels, but man.. a sniff of that thing zips me somewhere else! To toffee nut heaven where it's winter and cold, and i'm in cuddly winter clothes, sipping a hot cuppa toffee nut latte, rubbing my hands in glee otherwise and waiting for presents!

It's conditioning. Like how they always play the same jingle before news time on TV, and you just know it's time to settle down, sober up and get depressed (most of the time anyway). Starbucks Christmas Drinks have the same impact. Time for the year end reflection, gift shopping, tree decorating and resolutions making!! Man, 2010 is coming?!?!? Weren't we all panicking about the Y2K millennium bug not too long ago?

The weekend is also here... Going to try to make dinner for the fam tomorrow. Will take some pictures and share!! only if it turns out well!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

i have no inspiration

It's great to write... draw... sketch... imagine things, situations...

But right now, I have no inspiration.

I wish i could just put my fingers on the keyboard and write a funny blog entry that will demonstrate my very attractive personality and infectious sense of humour. But it's not quite happening.

something needs to happen, or i need to do something. the inspiration has to return!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

It's Raining...

It started with heavy grey clouds, looming in the sky above our heads... then little drops started to fall, teasing pedestrians and plants alike.

drip, drop, drip, drop, drip, drop


Now i sit at my desk, looking out of my window, and the drops become lines. First hesitant, now relentless.

I like rainy days... even better if i'm home with a mug of hot toddys.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Missing Autumn in Europe

It's raining outside, and it feels damp and fuzzy. This kind of weather reminds me of gloomy wet days in Europe... when it was nice to cuddle at home with a hot cuppa, or to stroll through the gardens inhaling the fragrance of wet grass and soggy tree bark.

I miss Europe. I miss the changing seasons, the smell in the air, how people furnish the insides of their apartments. I miss discovering new places around the corner, hearing my heels click on the cobbled streets. I miss struggling with a language, making cultural mistakes and learning from them, going into the supermarket and not finding things, getting frustrated.

I miss hopping into the train at every long weekend or long break, and heading to a new city, new town, visiting a castle, trying new cuisine.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Losing Track and Focus Again

Family and friends are always telling me how i try to do a million (and one) things at the same time. A few days ago, shortly after returning from a series of work trips, i was telling a friend about my day - work, 3 loads of laundry, a few episodes of grey's anatomy (how did it take me so long to get hooked on???), transferring pictures from my camera to the computer, and downloading apps for my new ipod touch.

She paused and said, "how do you do so many things at one time?"

Another time, i was impatient and started griping to another friend. She replied with a straight face, "not everyone multi-tasks like you".

Mom, i can now officially announce, that you have trained me well.

Lately, I have been craving for quiet time... to write, hopefully to start drawing/ sketching again, to read, to reflect. I think it will be great to have an antique writing desk, customized writing paper, stationery. If i put aside a few hours to indulge in writing, I wonder what i will produce and how long it will take to find the writer in me again. I used to write alot of stories, my own poetry, made up my own realities and fantasies. They kinda died as I grew older, or were packed into a box and stored in a dark corner of my secret creative mind. I tell myself, i'll bring it out again... when i have time. But when i have time, i turn on the TV, i meet some friends, i go for yoga... just everything aside from writing.

Then there's oil and acrylic painting.
Learning Greek and Italian.
Picking up Tennis (got the tennis racket! just don't know how to use it! YET!)
Practising scales on Monk.
Losing weight.
Motivating myself to run (it's not true that getting fancy running shoes will motivate you).
Getting back into my regular swimming routine.

There is just so much to do.

Christmas is coming soon. They have begun to hang Christmas decorations around, which is rather extreme in my opinion. The cab driver thinks that it's the malls way to entice people to start shopping earlier. So imagine my shock when i found myself wondering whether it really was time to start Christmas shopping. Truth be told, the idea of Christmas shopping has always enticed me. Drawing out the recipient list, thinking about appropriate gifts, planning the gift budget, looking out for the gifts, wrapping them up and giving them away. It is really just an excuse to be shamelessly nice... to people we care about.

Nothing much planned this week. Probably good to get some yoga lessons into the routine. Also need to have more discipline with regards to eating healthy. Not getting any younger! Gotta start taking better care of ourselves!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Birthdays, Family and Friends

I love organizing birthdays... of everyone else's but my own. I find making birthday plans for myself very indulgent and selfish, but when else to focus on myself if not on the anniversary of the day when I was born? On that thought, instead of celebrating my birthday, I should be celebrating my family and friends - people who have made a difference to my life thus far, and who have loved me and allowed me to love them back.

I have had a very charmed life, with no tumultuous tribulations or trials. It is something I do not take for granted, as I know that i am largely a product of being in the right place at the right time with the right people. If i were born in Sumatra or in the indian slums, I will not be sitting here today, sharing my thoughts while i sip on my new favourite drink of hot toddys (good lord, this stuff is good!! why has no one ever shared it with me???) So life is good to me, and I promise to be good to life.

This has been an eventful birthday. It was a great day professionally, and i had dinner with part of the family and Kokopops in Fragrant Harbour, which was small, intimate and cosy - just the way i like it. That was followed by a long weekend in the Upper Seas, being very well taken care of by a friend. All birthdays from now on will be spent away on vacations!! Why have i never thought of that before??? Combining one of the most impt times of the year with one of my favourite activities???

Friday, September 4, 2009

Cowrie Shells Sing at Shangri-La Villingili Resort & Spa

I visited the Shangri-La Villingili Resort & Spa 2 days ago. The resort just opened its doors about a month ago, but has since then generated much media hype (watch out for the resort on the cover of October's Conde Nast Traveler! First resort ever to be on the cover!).

The water villa was gorgeous, with an oversized hammock over the water on the deck for you to lay around with plush pillows. Need a break from that? Sip on a glass of champagne under the humongous umbrella while you watch the sun set on the blue turquoise sea at your doorstep (literally).

Loved the bar, which opened up to reveal a Nespresso machine, capsules, bottles of alcohol, tea, glasses for all uses and the quintessential mini bar. Like a magic box, with treats in secret compartments! We all love secret compartments! I'd like a bar like that too!

The bedroom was large, with a long work desk, ipod docking station with bose speakers placed at various points in the villa and of course, floor to ceiling windows to take in the view. Connected to the bedroom via a long corridor is the bathroom, with two vanity sinks, a large bathtub (with complimentary bath salts no less!), shower and toilet, and an open air rainshower to wash all those worries away (don't worry, there's a catchment area under the shower so that your soap duds don't just wash into the sea!)

I was very tempted to try a treatment at the Chi Spa and discover which "element" I am. Turns out i'm "Fire", because (1) i love spicy food, (2) i like the colours red and white, (3) i am at my best in the evenings and (4) i don't like dry weather. The cowrie shell treatment came heavily recommended, so i thought i'd throw my cares into the Maldivian wind, and let Chi bring me to Shangri-La.

Treatment rooms were housed in individual villas, with private changing and shower areas. The session started with a consultation with my very friendly and attentive Nepalese therapist, who duly explained what it meant to be of the "Fire" element (apparently, it could be seen also in my face shape and hair). While she explained all these to me, my feet were pampered in a warm floral soak, followed by a gentle salt scrub and a coconut milk wash (Heavenly!). She then led me to the bed and covered me with a silk blanket - no jokes. On top of the silk blanket, she added a large bath towel so i layed snuggly under the layers.

A gentle face masage ensued, after which she placed a small cowrie shell on my third eye (slight above the spot between your eyes) and massaged my forehead with it. Next, she held two large cowrie shells next to my ears, and sang me a Maldivian folk lullaby while i listened to the hollow waves in the shells. At this point, i was in love and goosebumps were crawling all over me. It was out of this world!

What happened next was indescribable (best way to know what i mean, would be to try it yourself). From my shoulders, she gently pulled the silk blanket off me in one long motion, without dislodging the bath towel. The soft silk carressing my body felt like waves and hands running over me, which was erotic and comforting at the same time. I heaved a huge sigh of resignation to the higher powers, and was convinced that the session couldn't get better than that.

Hot coconut oil was used during the massage, complemented by the cool but hard surface of the cowrie shells which were used to knead my need areas. It was very interesting as the shells were less intrusive than elbows and steel thumbs, but almost as effective. At certain points during the massage, she placed a large shell in my palm, as if to assure me that the shells knew what they were doing and that they were reaching out to me (by then, they could have convinced me of anything and everything).

(Great body, but not mine.)

90 minutes went be too fast too soon, but left me relaxed, impressed and very much in love.

The evening ended with a fine grill dinner by the beach, with a glass of Australian Chardonnay. I was spa-ed out, and happy on the inside out.

I slept like a baby, naturally.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Dolphins in the Maldives

I never knew turquoise, till I arrived in the Maldives 2 days ago. Never have I seen waters so clear and so blue, I am almost convinced that I can drink it straight from the ocean and quench my thirst.

For the first time in my life, I saw dolphins in the wild. Not one, not two, but at least a hundred of them. They swam alongside our boat, performing graceful stunts, teasing us with front and back flips, putting up a show in appreciation of our disbelieving applause. Such beautiful and adorable mammals!That's them swimming along us, responding to our claps and calls.

That's one of them caught in the act!!! How cool is that??

And since it was a sunset cruise, there must be a shot of the warm sunset. The sun took its sweet time to roll over the horizon, tantalising us with a glorious splash of colour.

What a beautiful introduction to the Maldives! Hello dolphins! Thank you for the great show, I look forward to seeing you in the waters in a couple of days.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Inspirational Friends

I thought I'd start my blog with an inspirational quote today, so I googled "quotes+inspiration" and there were pages of it. The sea of inspirational quotes seem to vast for me to explore, so I thought I'd use something closer to home.

Inspirational friends.

I am lucky to be surrounded by inspiring and talented friends from various walks of life. The educational system I've been through, unfortunately, have filtered me through to meeting largely people from certain educational and social backgrounds. I am aware that it is not a representative sample, but that makes me extra grateful of my circumstances, family and friends.

Life is unfair, and I have been on the greener side.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

B for Bummed

Scarlett is having an open jam session tonight, and i'm so bummed that i can't be there. Kokopops is down with a bad bout of food poisoning, and can't tend for himself. =( I'd feel very bad if i leave him alone at home. BUMMED!!! The girls must be having a great time. Can't wait to see the pictures from the BYOB party, where everyone's dressed in something/ someone starting with the alphabet "B".

Well, B for Bummer.

We hate food poisoning.

So it looks like this will be a very slow weekend. Guess it was a good decision to bring the work laptop home so i can get some work done since we won't be leaving the house much. One more week on my current project. Not sure what is coming next, but not sure if i need to know right now either.

Koks and I are planning on a 2 month road trip next year, to travel overland from China to Austria and then maybe a month on the Greek islands. I'm really looking forward to the trip. Haven't gone on a real vacation this year, and I'm missing being out in the world and feeling alive.

Can feel my bi monthly existential crisis coming up... funny, it seems to come in the same cycles as my projects. Wonder if it's time to take a break, but not sure where to go or what to do!


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Courtesy and Gurkhas

This morning, in my usual morning hustle (today on wobbly heels), I was slightly startled by someone who appeared from behind the lift landing. He chirped "morning", while i scurried past while feebly attempting to put on a big smile on my face. Shortly after, i realized it was the regular worker who clears the trash in the public bins.

I am quite disturbed and ashamed that I didn't reciprocate to his morning greeting, because suspicion crept up faster than courtesy. Recalling the days in Europe, we'd greet everyone in the same building, be it on the stairs, at the lobby, at the bicycle stands, trash room, bus, bakery etc. People just don't do it here. I don't know if it's the lack of basic courtesy (like how the pregnant ladies and the old folks almost never get a seat in the bus), or that people are taught to be suspicious and wary above everything else.

I resolve to look out for him from now on, and give him a huge "morning" to brighten his day. Emptying trash all day can't be much fun.

Drove by a cop truck load of gurkhas today on my way to work. Yum. =)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Dawn and Dusk

My two favourite times in the day, are dawn and dusk.

Dawn is the period of time when the earth slowly awakens, colours start to reveal themselves in gradual intensity, blue sneaks into the skies, street lights turn themselves off, you start to catch whiffs of dew and the morning mist, people brush their teeth with their eyes closed.

Dawns are great for setting out on vacations, journeys, holidays and adventures.

Dusk, on the other hand, is when everyone starts to loosen up, people get off work, childen get off school, ties loosen, cars flow out of carparks, buses hiss at bus stations.

Dusk are great for evening walks with the dogs, for changing from shoes/ heels into flip flops, for people watching, for reflection.

Dawns remind me of road trips my family used to take when we were young. We'd get up at an ungodly hour of 5 (usually, my sisters and i would be so excited we wouldn't have slept a wink anyhow), get showered, dressed up, and we'd pack the car and leave by 6:30am. Weeeeeee!!!! Holidays! And you have the entire day/ vacation/ journey/ holiday/ adventure to look forward to.

Nowadays, dawn means "Darn it, gotta get up for work!" and the occassional "all right, let's really try to do this nature trek today....zzzzz...."

Dusk is always a time of reflection for me. Usually, the realization comes at around 5pm, after which thoughts of "what should i do after work today" run through my multi-tasking brain as my fingers continue their own tap dance on the keyboard. Tappity-tap. The decision to exercise after work is always a hard one, but usually a great one on hindsight. As i bade my goodbyes, and step out of the tinkling door (someone at some point thought it a great idea to hang a wind chime on the door), i reflect on what i had accomplished that day, if i could have done more, done less, if i have made good use of my time in the office. Walking through the throngs of people on the street, i ponder in my head if i should smile at strangers, not make effort, look friendly, or look grouchy. Some rush by me, some deep in conversations, most on the mobile phone.

"Jee, it's dinner time again", i feel like all this food i've been eating is only resting on my hips. Soon enough, the streetlights come on again, the sky is dark, buses continue to hiss at bus stations, you see tired expressionless faces in bus windows, colours start to withdraw into the darkness, ants crawl back into their mounds, tv screens flash in homes while chopsticks clack away and cutlery clink on crockery.

Finally, we lay in bed, looking at the ceiling and thinking aloud, "man, was that yet another day." While we entertain the random thoughts in our head, our bodies wind down. Just as we think we've got the answer to life, we no longer can fight the drug of sleep and .................

My two favourite times in the day, are dawn and dusk.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

John Galliano and a Beautiful Weekend

Before his Paris A/W show, John Galliano gathered his team to remind them that it was 'a credit crunch, not a creative crunch'.

HURRAH! The economy crisis doesn't have to kill everything!
Not that you can feel much of a economic crisis in downtown Singapore. Malls are still full, popular restaurants still require advance reservations.

I just had a wonderful and gorgeous weekend. On top of it all, it cost me relatively little. Saturday started with a trip to the beach for some lying around, reading, suntanning, chatting and frisbee throwing (and catch attempting). By the time we were chased off by an impending storm, it was only 1 in the afternoon! How glorious! It felt like I had already accomplished more than a typical weekend, and i still had 1.5 days to go! A delectable lunch of nasi lemak (rice simmered in coconut milk, accompanied with a variety of side dishes) ensued, which resulted in us transforming from sunkissed humans to famished wolves. Kokopops and I then spent a leisurely afternoon watching "The Last Emperor" (how did it take me that long to finally watch this amazing film?) before grabbing QL for a japanese dinner and the 3D screening of Pixar's latest animation movie "Up".

OH MY GOODNESS, is there anything else that can be so moving, touching, adorable, sincere, imaginative and entertaining?

The digital film elicited "ooh"s and "aah"s and tears and eruptions of laughter, all in less than 2 hours. Great storyline, great characters, great animation! We also caught a teaser of "The Christmas Carol" which will come to all good cinemas near you in November. 3D is the way to go!

Sunday, also known as the best day for sleeping in, started with us sleeping in. =) A game of scrabble over breakfast (albeit at noon) is always a slow but sure way of starting the day on the good note. Today, unfortunately, I lost to Kokopops and Nawoo... but it's okay! In life, you get ups, and you get downs; and when you lose, you don't take your wins for granted! After lunch, I got my weekly weekend papers and indulged in a fashion magazine (i just end up kicking myself after for paying so much for pages of advertorial material...), popped in and out of the supermarket (and bumped into nylilbits and D!! what a lovely surprise!) and came home for an enriching afternoon of Coleman Hawkins, a freshly brewed pot of tea (in my fancy bodum teapot!) and FT Weekend. Made a simple dinner for us while we watching a rather crappy Bangkok Dangerous et voila!

Un fin de semana muy bueno!

Entonces, ahora, estoy bastante contenta y estoy lista para la semana que viene. No hay muchas actividades, espero que tengo tiempo para algunos ejercicios. Necesito hacer mi trabajo tambien, mi projecto esta terminado pronto!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Weekends deserve good weather!

TA DA!!! and the good news is that.... IT'S FRIDAY AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On one hand, i'm exhilarated that Friday is here and it's time for play and creativity. On the other hand, i'm thinking, wasn't it just the weekend? The weekend has passed with me accomplishing so little!!!

The weather has been acting funny all week. It poured last weekend, thus dampening any plans for the beach and outdoor activities. Then came the very scorching sunny and searing weekdays, and right now it's pouring again. It sure is keeping us on our toes with our weekend planning! Going to try to head to the beach again tomorrow, but crossing my fingers there!

Let's get going! Let's get creative!

Watching a live stand up comedy show tonight. I'm hoping it's going to be so funny i laugh till my sides split or till i gasp for air.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Linen Pants and Inertia

I usually start a blog entry without the title, as i never quite know what the entry will end up to be about. I kinda like it that way, the title ironically becomes the ending to my entry. The start is the finish is the start.

A few days ago, i made the serious mistake/ wise move to try on a pair of linen trousers i bought 6 years ago at H&M in France. Althought it's just H&M, it still cost an amount then. Good news is, it's still in pretty good shape. Bad news is, I'm the one who's not in good shape. I can now barely fit into those trousers, and that was rather flabbergasting. Yes, 6 years is alot of time to put on some weight and yes, i was 6 years younger then with a stronger metabolism and a more active lifestyle. 6 years or not, it's just appalling to have gotten this lazy with being active and putting effort into exercising and being fit and healthy.

It's just so easy to be lazy nowadays...

... but NO! We shall not be lazy!

So, tomorrow morning, we're going to try to play some beach frisbee to get the heart pumping, and the yoga should resume this week!

If the heart is willing, the body is willing!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Timechecks and Life Fulfilment

For me, birthdays and new years are always a time for reflection. The fact that they happen every year at a fixed time allows me to use these events as markings on my timeline, to check on what i have done in the past one year, how much more i have to achieve in the remaining time that I am alive. For the past 4 years, I have also met up with a few people on a periodic basis, to gather their thoughts about their lives, their passions, and they share with me their thoughts about my life, my passion and where that leads me.

To me, time is a perishable commodity. I have always been acutely aware that my life on earth and being me is limited, and that each moment I don't utilize or maximize, is one moment lost forever and without contribution to "my cause". With age, "my cause"changes. I have been lucky that these changes have been slight, and not drastic, which sometimes assure me that I'm doing what I like to do, and have no regrets. I know that with each day, I move away from where I started (the magical moment when the tadpole met the egg) and towards where it will all end (the moment of realization at the end of my last breath). I don't have enough time.

I don't believe in an afterlife. I am not sure why we're here, and what we are in the grand scheme of things; but i wonder, if the answer to that question is imperative to my existence and to how much I enjoy my life and be part of how others around me enjoy theirs. I, however, believe that life is fleeting, that it is but "a glimpse between two eternities". That i'm given this chance only once, as me, and i won't know if i've made the best use of my time because the gift of hindsight doesn't quite apply in this case.

As a result, I review my situation regularly, and the question is at the back of my head all the time - "Am i wasting my time? Am I doing the best that I can?". I'm not a particularly focused or disciplined person, but i think a world of myself. No, i don't think i'm super smart, ultra funny, crazy attractive; but I truly believe that I can achieve anything I want to and that the only thing that can stop me, is myself. I have been very blessed that whatever i've set out to do, i've almost always succeeded. I'm actually really unlucky in the things that i leave to fate and luck. I am convinced that I will never win the lottery (there goes the possibility of quick wealth), or look like Monica Belucci (oh my goodness, how can anyone look so gorgeous?).

So imagine my surprise and excitement when I won a drawing contest held by the local papers when I was 16. The theme was "what do you feel music is to you?". I drew a quaver encircling a 3D looking globe (i took much effort to draw the continents and islands etc) and wrote on the note "Music. The Common Language of the World." I won a bottle of Tommy Hilfiger perfume. That was my best shot at luck... EVER.

The luck i experienced in the remaining of my life, was more to do with the people I've met and the situations I have been in. I guess it's like how they say "knowing the right people, being the right place at the right time". Then again, "right" is subjective. Maybe i'm just easily satiable and easily content. I feel that everything that has happened to me thus far, has been amazing, insane, crazy and out of this world. Thus, I am thankful everyday that I do what I do, am where I am, have the family and friends that I have.

I'm not quite sure what I've done to deserve this life, but I know that it's been charming. Time is running out, and there is still so much to do, so much to see, so much love to give, so much love to receive!

Life in IKEA Catalogues

Life is perfect in IKEA Catalogues. People who live in these catalogues look like their lives don't circle around work, everyone loves everyone at home. There are colours, a space for everything, a bright window in every room, and different seasons so you could use the throws they seem to place everywhere.

Aside from the affordable and trendy pieces of furniture people buy from IKEA, people are also trying to buy into the "IKEA Life", hoping that their lives could be as pretty and neat and fine and dandy as the individual mock up rooms look from the outside. Just like how facebook appeals to the voyuer and exhibitionist in all of us, IKEA appeals to our secret idealist and dreamer.

So one may think, let's go to IKEA and get a piece of that lifestyle! But somehow, when you bring home that piece of IKEA furniture and place it in your environment, it doesn't look half as cool as it did in the showroom or in the catalogues.

Like that sofa you can convert into a bed so that your friends could stay over? What are you going to do with your current sofa that's still too good to be thrown away? What are the likelihood that friends will stay over?

Love that white victorian styled bathroom cupboard? How does that fit into your HDB bathroom where there's only space for you to shower and poo in the same 2 square metres?

But as long as we love to go to the movies, watch TV series, sleep and dream, we'll always love to buy into the IKEA ideal... that life could be beautiful, simple, fine and dandy; and that everything has a place in life (i.e. pencils into cute round holders attached to the wall, sheets that go into a secret compartment under the bed, belts and ties that fit nicely into a 4x4 cubic drawer).

So let's go to IKEA. At least we get some meatballs.

Saturday, August 1, 2009


I'm an in-between girl in an in-between world.

I don't do badly in life, but I don't excel particularly as well.
I don't belong where i was born, but neither do I belong where I live now.
I am somewhat asian, but not quite either.
I am not skinny, but I am not fat.
I exercise some, but am not very fit.
At times I'm highly motivated, at times I procrastinate (though i think i'm the former more often.)
And the list goes on.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

A Zen State of Mind

Just returned from a week in the Northern Capital about 3 days ago, and it's been a crazy but very fruitful 3 days. The Northern Capital is AMAZING, and I had such a good time combining work and play. The Great Wall is humbling, and the hutong and Nanluoguxiang is so much fun. Standing on top of the Great Wall and seeing the wall line the top of mountain ridges as far as the eye can see was overwhelming and nothing short of mindblowing. The local arts scene is also very active. So much culture, heritage and social evolution to draw inspiration from!

Also checked out quite a number of restaurants and hotels, and ate alot of yummy food, took alot of interior and architectural pictures - so much fun!

Headed straight to work when I got back, and had a hard time trying to stay awakw at work. Flight back from PEK was delayed by 3 hours due to the storm and the long queue of planes waiting to take off, which meant sitting in the plane and waiting for 3 whole hours - PAINFUL! So instead of arriving at 1015pm, we got back at 2 plus am.

Yesterday, Niks Biks, Kokopops and I helped Nawoo out at his business launch (Weddings by N at, which was quite successful. Nawoo displayed some of his shots from past weddings held in Singapore and the US, and invited past and prospective clients to the launch. The art space at Old School was nicely decorated and themed, thanks to Niks Biks; and we had some GLORIOUS, DELICIOUS, MELT IN YOUR MOUTH macarons, tarts and cupcakes from Soo Ting (Check out Artisan Sweets at Henry Park Apartment, guys!!! Everyone was all praise for the sweets, and couldn't stop at a few pieces. I wish the both of them every success in their business! 's wonderful to have enough passion and courage to take the step and start one's own business! I could only support with salmon sandwiches, cucumber cups with thai beef salad and asparagus wrapped in prosciutto!

Today's been a full day of band practise as the girls prepare for a wedding performance next weekend. 5 solid hours of sax, guitar, base, keyboard, cajon and singing. By the end of it, we were all drained and trying hard to repel songs from our heads. This is one of our biggest gigs yet, with a 2-hour gig at a private wedding party. I hope we do a fantastic job!

No big plans for the week ahead, which is nice. Prior to the Northern Capital, I was feeling quite thinly spread over friends, family, gigs, work and bi-monthly existential crisises. Going away and being in a new place has brought me a refreshed zen state of mind, which i really appreciate and hope to be able to maintain for a period of time.

Also need to learn to take a step back, and not be constantly in charge - it's a strength and a weakness!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Yummy Food makes me very happy

Mmmmm..... just had a lovely dinner of Nasi Padang at Zion Road... it was sooooo good. For my tummy, for my soul, for my heart. Good food speaks to me, and it's one of the best reasons for living. After my weekly class of yoga (went back to power yoga today, after weeks of just hatha and boy, my body is aching now), met with Kokopops, Bhubs, Nawoo and Niks Biks for a hearty dinner of beef rendang, kari ayam, ayam kunyit, ayam merah, sotong sambal, otak-otak, sayur lodeh and sambal belacan. All for only 42 bucks! It's also good for my pocket!

The week has started on a good note, after a very eventful weekend of checking out a friend's new patisserie, scrabble, a farewell party, a birthday party, a band audition and band practise. Also managed to get some rest, which is always great. Had a good (but could be better) session with Monk and Dan on Monday. I have so much more to practise on Monk to make it sound better!!! Very motivated right now, so think i'm gonna reserve tomorrow evening for Monk practise.

Got assigned my new project! Yay!!! Which finally brings me to the Northern Capital for a week. I am very excited about this one, have been waiting to visit this historic city in a long time. But not blogspot, facebook and youtube for a week though! Gonna be checking out some really cool hotels this time, which i'm really looking forward to as well. I love visiting hotels, particularly design focused ones and those with a story or heritage.

I need to catch up on my reading! Have a pile of Economist, Time, Asian Geographic and The Unbearable Lightness of Being to finish!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Morning Thoughts

I woke up this morning feeling a little grouchy. Had a coffee and a japanese honey sponge cake, a shower, dressed up, and i looked into the mirror thinking, "why am i grouchy this morning? Why is my hair at this awkward length? Should i tie it up and look dumb, or should i let it down and look messy." Well, at least tying it up looks a tad bit neater, and allows the breeze access to my neck (which has a rash by the way).

Then i looked at my wardrobe, and thought, shit, i have nothing to wear.... again.
Then i put on my make up, and thought, why is my skin so dry and coarse these few days.

Now i have to get myself out of the house and into the bus and to work.

Hopefully the rest of the day picks up better.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Peace and Quiet in the Highlands

dum dee dum dee dum dee dum...

It's already Tuesday, and time is actually passing pretty fast. zippedeedooda.... Last weekend, Kokopops and I ran away from everybody and almost everything and escaped to the highlands of Cameron in search of the remains of Jim Thompson, but we got totally distracted by the beauty of the tea plantations, the lovely cool weather and our gorgeous hotel, that we completely forgot about JT (May he rest in peace). The drive to the highlands took about 7 hours, in the WhaleShark's first long trip. We pushed him pretty hard, driving consistently at about 120 km/hr. The route up to the highlands from Tapah was pretty strenuous for car and driver, so imagine our elation upon arrival at The Lakehouse!

Such a lovely black and white house, with a meticulously maintained garden! We were greeted with a funky welcome drink - ginger essence with tonic water and lime (or something) before we were pleasantly upgraded to the suite (the only room in the house with a real fireplace - yaoza!).

Dinner was in the restaurant, Kokopops had the lamb while i had the norwegian salmon; after which we adjourned to the living room to watch tennis with the other guests. It was a slow, relaxing and quiet evening - something i had been desperately craving. The following day, we put on our hiking shoes and spent the day out visiting the lush tea plantations (Malaysia Boleh!), tasting fresh juicy strawberries, trekking through the jungle and past vegetable farms; before a refreshing shower and hot steamboat dinner in Tanah Rata.

On Sunday, we left the highlands after a late breakfast and postcards writing, and decided to check out a nearby waterfall - Lata Kinjang, and boy were we glad we went!! The waterfall is GINORMOUSLY HUMONGOUS, we could see it even when we were driving towards it in the distance. And when we stood there, in front of the waterfall, we were awed by its size and its power, and glad to see people sitting around having picnics and enjoying the afternoon sun.

You just gotta love nature!

Can't wait for another weekend to take WhaleShark out for another long drive somewhere exciting.

I miss living in a foreign country. Although new plus slope is not really home either, but I've spent so much time here that it doesn't feel foreign. Somehow, there is a stronger sense of being when i live in a foreign city, be in Grenoble or Bangkok. Come to think of it, this is the longest I've lived in one city in the last... 6 years.

Nawoo's website launch event is in its planning stages, and the venue and date is confirmed! Definitely looking forward to that one. The guestlist is getting longer by the day, which is very very exciting.

Monk gets special treatment tomorrow, as it indulges in the undivided attention of Madame Etoile. Sparks will fly!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Monk and the Culinary Weekend

Last week went by mighty fast as I ran the last lap of my report. It’s always the case that when the end is in sight and one sees the light at the end of the tunnel - it makes it easier to run. You do whatever it takes just to make the end come closer… you clench your fists, you grit your teeth, you run, you take quick short gasps of air, you leap. And when you reach the end, your lungs scream for air, you let out a triumphant scream and you imagine the dolby-surround applause.

Thank you, thank you.

And till the next report.

Spending time with Monk has been a pleasure, and it feels like Monk is finally taking a liking to me. He fits together better, rests better on my lap, fits better into my hands and reacts better to my touch. He is also beginning to sound better, I hope I’m beginning to do something right. The wonderful thing about my interactions with Monk, is that he has rejuvenated me and rediscovered my creativity. What’s not so wonderful is that being with Monk requires me to connect with my inner self, which makes me more emotive and reflective than usual. I find myself needing a short break after each session with Monk to “wake myself up” from being drunk with music + emotions. I remember when I used to write poetry, it were those sad and violent scenes that inspired me the most.

The highlight of the weekend was definitely the gastronomic delights. On Friday evening, I checked out Chalk at Old School (Mount Sophia) with Kathl and V1. It was a lovely meal of half a dozen of herb butter escargots, ravioli stuffed with truffled mushrooms and crème brulee for me. Escargots were juicy and fragrant, a tad bit salty but I nevertheless found myself soaking up the melted herb butter with the soulful warm bread. The ravioli was amazing, in a light cream sauce. It would have been perfect if not for the 40-50 minutes wait between my appetizer and my main course (Poor Kathl suffered the same predicament). Kathl and I suspected that it may have been something to do with our location in the corner of the restaurant, but I thought it was not quite justifiable considering we got 3 of the servers to check on our orders. The restaurant was packed to the brim, so maybe the kitchen was in chaos. I just don’t like it when servers say “I’ll go check on your order” but don’t return with an update. As a result, I keep asking, and I continue being frustrated. Will I return to Chalk, yeah probably… but maybe not on a Friday evening. Lovely ambience, I especially liked the seats by the wall (allowed me to discreetly sit with my legs crossed), and the iron cast framed glass windows. $$$$

Saturday evening saw a trip to Al Divo (8, Jalan Gelenggang, Sembawang Hills Estate, off Upper Thomson Road) with the girls for a special night. Run by two brothers – Fabrizio and Cesare, Al Divo serves honest, authentic Italian food from the Amalfi Coast. Fabrizio manages the restaurant and handles most of the guest interaction, making recommendations on the menu; while Cesare holds the fort in the kitchen. The two brothers are supported by Valentina, who hand makes the pasta and the dulci. The restaurant is very proud of their squid ink pasta, which is prepared with an oil base and not squid ink (so you don’t smile charmingly at your date only to realize, with horror, that you have black outlined teeth). Seafood is procured fresh from the market every day, and this transfers delightfully onto my palate. I am a fan of their Selection of Antipasto, which has a morsel of every antipasto they serve in the restaurant (parma ham, come to mama), and their little gambas prepared with olives, garlic and tomatoes. Homemade ravioli stuffed with salmon and zucchini in cream sauce absolutely melted in my mouth, and I cleaned up the plate before my friends, which was rather embarrassing I have to say. We shared a Humphrey Bogart pizza, which was thin crusted and holly molly, came with a full lobster on top of it!! What a sight!! To end the dinner, Fabrizio treated us to some chocolate salami in frothy anglaise sauce, and we ordered a few desserts to share. I tried and will try again the Cassata de Ricotta and Ciocolatta – I don’t care how much calories there might be in that short column of heaven, but if it tastes that good, it must be good for me. The girls were all praise and smiles by the end of the dinner, which we always hope for at the end of an evening. So big high five for Al Divo! $$$$

For Mei’s birthday on Sunday, la familia trooped to one of our favourite culinary haunts in the country. Dad has been visiting Thien Kee Hainanese Steamboat (Basement, Golden Mile Complex) since he was a kid, and you won’t believe this, but the same guys run the restaurant till today. Think: Hainanese Steamboat (with fresh beef and steamboat ingredients) with Hainanese Chicken Rice, and Hainanese hospitality. It’s a recipe for success!!! The chicken rice is soft and fragrant, and the steamed chicken tender and oh-so-perfect. This restaurant is always full, and the food is so good, I wish I could keep it a secret. Then again, I’m not sure how long these old folks can last and if they will be able to find another generation to continue the tradition. Yummilicious!!! $$

With that, I shall now end my blog and proceed to dinner at my next great find – Oriole at Pan Pacific Serviced Apts. I find it good value for money, with delicious café food and a very warm and cosy atmosphere. Did I say I’m in time for happy hour??

Gotta go!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

45 Life Lessons, by Regina Brett

Written By Regina Brett, 90 years old, of The Plain Dealer, Cleveland, Ohio :

"To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me. It is the most-requested column I've ever written. My odometer rolled over to 90 in August, so here is the column once more:"

1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.
5. Pay off your credit cards every month.
6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.
8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.
9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.
10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.
12. It's OK to let your children see you cry.
13. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.
15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks.
16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
17. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
18. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.
19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.
20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.
21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
22. Over prepare, then go with the flow.
23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.
24. The most important sex organ is the brain.
25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.
26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words ''In five years, will this matter?".
27. Always choose life.
28. Forgive everyone everything.
29. What other people think of you is none of your business.
30. Time heals almost everything. Give time, time.
31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
32. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
33. Believe in miracles.
34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.
35. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
36. Growing old beats the alternative -- dying young.
37. Your children get only one childhood.
38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.
41. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
42. The best is yet to come.
43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
44. Yield.
45. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.

Goldfish and their Dilemma in Life

Today, I found out a very disturbing fact, that it is indeed true that fish have very short term memory. Kokopops and I went to buy new fish for our tank today, and wanted to find out if the new fish will get along with the old fish.

The fish guy told us this, "you have to ease the fish into the tank, make sure there are places in the tank where the new fish can hide for a little while. Then, after a few hours, the fish forgets, and they won't know that the new fish are new. That's also why you can't keep feeding fish, because they forget they've eaten. So everytime you feed them, they eat and they just keep eating till they explode and die."

Imagine the look on my face.

I can't decide if this is a good thing or a bad thing, particularly since I just started reading "The Unbearable Lightness of Being" in which the concept of no eternal return is discussed. One of the wonders of life is that there is no eternal return. To me, that makes every moment and every day something to live up for, and one can never know if one makes a right decision, because the same moment and circumstance never comes by again for you try out the other alternative.

It is, however, different for a fish. They have a constant reset button, which forceably allows them to try again and again and again. At the same time, they bear no grudges, they remember no errors, they recognize no love, they make no friends. However, each moment is equally valuable as that of ours.

We, human and fish, live for each moment.
The former for no eternal return but memory, the latter for eternal return but no memory.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Whaleshark and Other Reminders

Today, I finally met the Whaleshark.... after 3 weeks of suspense, anticipation, being pulled apart and repainted, the fam brought the Whaleshark to me, and we met each other for the first time. I sized him up, and so he to me. We're both a little intimidated by each other, me of his size, and him of my lack of relevant experience. Nevertheless, I thought it apt to mark the moment with a Veuve. Me, the fam and the Whaleshark. Here's to many great moments ahead.

A series of events in the last few days have reminded me of a few things... that i have an extraordinary life, i'm surrounded by wonderful loving people, and i have a very different approach to life and rather different corresponding perspectives. As a result, it's easy to be misunderstood. Sometimes, it hurts a little, but thank goodness for family and good friends, who understand. But it's a reminder for me that sometimes, i should probably keep my mouth shut, so there is little chance for good intentions to be misunderstood. Maybe it's time to lay low for a while, and retreat a little. I think kokopops and the Whaleshark will approve.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Lunchbox Happiness

I remember as a kid when I was living with an aunt, she prepared a lunchbox for me everyday so that I wouldn’t have to spend money on unhealthy canteen food. When I was around 9, I thought it was most uncool to bring a lunchbox because that meant you were “poor” and couldn’t “afford” the canteen food. I still let my Aunt prepare sandwiches for me, but I’d sell it to my classmate who thought I had really good sandwiches. I sold it to her for 50 cents apiece. Then, demand for my sandwiches grew, so I had to ask my Aunt to prepare more.

Why, she’d ask.

Because I get really hungry nowadays, I must be growing, I’d reply.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t increase supply without raising suspicion (there is only so much a 9- year-old girl could eat), and soon, I felt bad about taking advantage of my aunt’s kindness and stopped. The lunchbox habit also stopped, and I was very happy about that as that meant I could buy food from the Malay lady e.g. Nasi Lemak, Mee Rebus, Mee Siam; and buy Kickapoo or 100plus for $1.10 each, shake it till it’s all gas, open it in the garden and spray it on my friends.

I haven’t had a lunchbox ever since.

Today, I made a lunchbox for Kokopops, and I was really excited about it. I was excited at the thought of deciding what to include, individually wrapping the items, packing them into the box so that the layout would make sense, the food would stay fresh for as long as possible and the space be best utilized. As I watched Kokopops place the lunchbox into his bag like a school kid, it secretly made me happy and I imagined how it’d be like for him to open the box at lunch and hopefully enjoy every item that I had prepared. He told me a little while ago that he thoroughly enjoyed it, and successfully made his colleagues envious (so much so that one of his colleagues took a picture of it and sent it to his wife). I find that quite funny.

The items in the lunchbox for Kokopops  included:

- Cucumber sticks

- Carrot sticks

- Shaved ham

- Cheese

- Wholemeal Bread

- Yakult

- Cookies

- Kinder Bueno

- Green Apple

I can’t help think back to my childhood, when moms and my Aunt did so many things for me, with so much love in their hearts; which I had, no doubt, taken for granted as a child. Unfortunately, one of the contradictions in life, is hindsight. Fortunately, it’s not too late for me to reciprocate today for their generosity and kindness.

Lunchbox happiness. A box full of nutrition, love, good thoughts and positive energy (and a little secret message!).

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Melancholy and A lot of Fruits

It was a somewhat melancholic day. The day didn't particularly start on a good note, and the rest of the day just crawled by. The highlight of today, however, was the sheer amount of fruits I have fed myself.

The morning started with a hearty bowl of Banana Nut Crunch, with Hi-Calcium Low-Sugar Soy Milk; and lunch opened with a carrot and a big brown pear, before Ol' Chang enticed me with a curry puff and a spring roll doused with sambal (there goes my eat healthy day). Before yoga class, I munched happily (much to the chagrin of my colleagues however) on a very crunchy and excessively red apple. Some of the apples in my fridge are weeks old, but they still stay super red and super crunchy. It can't be natural, can it?

Yoga class was good today. Alot of stretching, alot of breathing, alot of perspiring. Dinner was then a treat - toasted sliced wholemeal bread, a slice of apple baked ham, some shaved honey baked ham, half a cucumber, a handful of cherry tomatoes, 25% of a rockmelon and half a glass of cloudy apple juice.

Aside from the curry puff and the spring roll (dammit), i'm pretty proud of myself.

Ef-Aech sent me a message today, to tell me how much he enjoys reading my blog. I am very touched, that someone will find my random mutterings an enjoyable read. He said that it reminds him of the little things in life, that we all seem to overlook. Ef-Aech, I hope you continue to get entertained, particularly on the bad weather days or when the bridge falls down!

I have been inspired lately to get creative again. Monk has been a huge inspiration, and writing has been liberating. Nawoo gave a great suggestion, of me picking up my children's stories idea again. Will ask Niks Biks if she'd be interested in doing this.

Daiweina is injured. I hope she feels better soon. Our bodies are so vulnerable, we have to treat it with much tender loving care.

As always, a great song to share. Kraak en Smaak are groovy, and this is such a creative video.

Chivalry and Dogs

This morning, a young and good looking gentleman gave me a seat on the bus, even though I'm not (1) old, (2) disabled and/or (3) pregnant. Chivalry is not dead!!!

It's a new week, it really started yesterday. This week feels less laborious than the last, probably due to the restful weekend of playing with the dogs, seeing the family, getting some really really good home-cooked food, some DVDs and escaping from new plus slope for just 2 days. Monday is so much more tolerable if one had had a good weekend, and something fun to look forward to on a Monday evening.

The dogs are fine. Tara and Cookie got their vaccination - Tara tried to bite the vet , Cookie kept jumping on him (he must have smelt very interesting). 

Tara is a cross between a Belgian Shepherd and a Rottweiler, and she's an absolute beauty. She's not a year old yet, but probably about 25 kg and a big bundle of energy. Playing fetch with her is such fun because she goes off like a bullet and then keeps coming back. She's been enjoying eating Tyro's poop, probably coz Tyro hasn't been digesting his food well; but then again, Tara is perpetually hungry. She's super playful, i wish there were a big field somewhere i can let her go so she can run to her heart's desire.

Bonjour Tara.

Cookie is a cockroach-killing, housefly-snapping Jack Russell, who thinks he's actually bigger than Tara but uses his petite size to hide behind the bushes or leap onto the garden table once Tara goes after him. Cookie never understood how Tara grew from being the same size as him, to the alpha female she's become. It baffles him, one can see it in his eyes.

Hello Cookie.

Tyro also got his check up. Vet was baffled why we didn't continue on his medication, but poor mom didn't know she had to continue with the dosage (mis-communication there). Tyro is a cross Japanese Spitz and is about 17 years old this year. He is our first family dog, and the first love of my life. Throughout his 17 years, he never got sick, was always happy and laughing, and had such a thick coat of fluffy white fur. Kids loved him. Gay dogs too. Sadly, Tyro is getting on years, and since he contracted hypothyroidism, he has been consumed by his hormones, lost alot of his fur and spunk. He doesn't move around very much anymore, and doesn't laugh anymore, but he hasn't lost his fighting spirit and his desire to live. He manages to walk at least an hour a day, and knows how to seek help if he needs to pee or empty his bowels. He's lived so long, and deserves to live the rest of his life peacefully and being taken good care of (thanks to moms!). He's back on medication, and we all hope he feels better soon. I'll try to scan a picture of him when he was healthy and share here.

Last night's session with Monk was great. Niks Biks brought her guitar, and we practised and jammed for a while. Apart from some new scales and arpeggios, we also tried:

- Besame Mucho
- Fly Me To The Moon
- I Wish You Love
- Can't Take That Away from Me
- Beyond the Sea

Can't wait to get some time to practise some more!

Today, I'd like to share the "Trois Gymnopedies", composed by French composer and Pianist Erik Satie in 1888. I find it very emotional and very pensive.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Daily Life and Shark Finning

Good Morning.

This morning has started on a relatively romantic note. Ella has been crooning in my ears all morning, as I work on my desk and look out of my desk-to-ceiling window. Oh, I think I’m getting goosebumps.

This week, I’ve seen the Bus Man 3 times, which is a super bonus. I have been leaving the house later than usual, thus the increase in probability of getting onto his bus. It feels nice to smile.. to the Bus Man, to the security guy on the ground floor at the office building, to the girl behind the counter at Starbucks, to the girl who hands me my non-fat latte. It also feels nice to wear comfortable flat shoes.. makes me feel like I’m closer to the ground (and less likely to trip over myself and fall on my knees/ flat on my face).

Report is coming along slowly as I trudge forward. Not too bad. Some other stuff has also come up, which are interesting and makes the report less painful. I’m excited at the prospect of doing some new things, and being able to change certain stigmas and contribute to a greater good. I am, but a drop in the wide ocean, but I truly believe in the power of every drop.

Talking about the ocean, I read a very disturbing article in the Asian Geographic this morning about illegal shark finning. It’s nothing new, I worked on a protect-the-sharks project a few years ago and helped in public education, but this article described the writer’s experiences very vividly, including seeing a sea of hundreds of thousands of fins drying under the sun on building rooftops in Costa Rica. Disgusting, people! Disgusting! As the weakest specie on earth, we are wiping out this earth! About 90 percent of the total shark population in the world has been depleted in the last 30 years due to our insatiable desire for sharks’ fins, which is in essence just tasteless cartilage with no nutritional value! The taste in shark’s fin soup comes from the flavourful soup base, and not the fins.

With that, I’d like to leave a short clip of an interview with Rod Stewart, who created the film “Sharkwater” and the article in the current issue of Asian Geographic.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

La Revancha Del Tango

A mi sueño, todos son possible.

Story of the Day

Nawoo, i write story for you.

We go Chomp Chomp
with Bhu Bhu
to Mum Mum
very Bao Bao
go home She She
and Poot Poot
then Pom Pom
after that Orh Orh

Very nice day. =)

Hope you like.

Gotan Project's Santa Maria

"Please send me your last pair of shoes, worn out with dancing as you mentioned in your letter, so that I might have something to press against my heart."

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Thelonious Monk's Round About Midnight

I first heard of this song on Gotan Project's Inspiracion Espiracion album years ago, and since then, it's been a favourite. Why isn't such music created anymore?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

paso a paso, poco a poco

Yay!! Today I managed 4 songs on Monk - When the Saints go Marching In, Happy Birthday, Frere Jacques and Can't Take That Away from Me. It felt really good to not just play notes and scales but actual real songs!! Monk is doing so well!!!

Was a relatively slow day at work today, but thankfully there was sax class to look forward to and the oh-so-good half pint of stella with Niks Biks and Tay Mui Mui to help us ease into the week ahead. Niks Biks @ Ni Qi has a busy week at work coming up, while Tay Mui Mui has to help someone with enlarging their boobs tomorrow... all this while i continue typing incessantly into my never ending report. Deadline for this one will be end June, i'm somewhat looking forward to it, just so that i can move on and get onto the next thing...

Weekend in desaru doesn't seem like it'll happen as planned coz the hotels are all full! Darn it!! But will still be seeing Whale and Tyro this weekend, which is great. Tyro has stopped eating, which worries me. His skin has been splitting the last two weeks, and he's lost alot of his energy apparently. I'm afraid that once he stops eating, it's a sign of things to come. I don't know how we will react to it. I wonder if he knows how he feels now. Haven't seen Tara and Cookie in a while too...

Will try to yoga my body into shape tomorrow!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

I can't give you anything (but my love)


The teacher's wedding was yesterday, the girls and I played for her at the church in the morning and the resort in the evening. What REALLY happened, was a day of making music, chilling out while having a big and slow lunch complete with beer, and then relaxing a little by the pool, followed by our super fun performance, and then a slumber party!!!! Just spending the night away helped me to switch my mind off a little, break the routine a little, and i left the resort today feeling as if i just had a short holiday. LOVELY. I forgot that it could be this refreshing - definitely to do again!

We were completely thrashed by the end of the night. My back is still hurting me, and i think it's got to do with racing in the pool and trying to jive with the music with 3 inch heels. =) We got up this morning, and had a leisurely brunch at the cafe of pancakes with banana, french toast with peach compote, eggs benedict and freshly brewed coffee before embracing the rest of Sunday... which to me, wasn't made up of very much but 2 movies, a 2 hour nap, and eating in.

It is, unfortunately, Monday tomorrow and the weekend has, painfully, ended... but it's a weekend that will keep the girls talking and buzzing for a while to go! Rock on!!!

So happy... still riding on a high. YAAAYYYY!!!