What a week.
*rubs eyes, eases back into chair and takes a sip of carrot juice*
What a week.
The big mango with Mom was relaxing. I suspect it was something that both of us needed - for me to recover from the past insane weeks and for mom to escape being a mom and wife for a few days. We had breakfast in our room at the newest hotel in the city, went for manicure and pedicure, leisurely lunches, 4 hour spa treatments, shopping, indulged in luscious women-loving underwear and caught up on our lives - fears and joys included.
It was Delightful.
I finally took my first major step in achieving one of my childhood dreams. I knew that I would make it happen some time, but didn't know when and how and if it were possible still. You know how we want to do like a million things in our lives, but only really manage a couple. After weeks of discussing it with Niks Biks, who has agreed to impart her knowledge and skills to me, I braced myself, took a deep breath and purchased my saxophone. It's currently called YTS275 but will soon have a very exotic mediterranean name. As Niks Biks, Kokopops and I walked towards the music store, i felt goosebumps as I really couldn't believe that it was going to become a reality.

Moms and Pops introduced me to Kenny G when I was a kid, and I listened to him on repeat. Silhouette, Songbird... I thought he played such soothing music, and I honestly thought he was good looking as well despite the maggi noodles long hair. So, when I went to high school, I eagerly joined the school's military band with the hopes of picking it up. At the try-outs, they made me try mouthpieces of different instruments. Lo and behold, I could create a sound in all of them, except the saxophone. Good Lord, i thought, you must be kidding me. And at that time, I was a chubby kid. They must have thought it could be funny, or esteem destroying, to then delegate me to play the Bass, which was the largest and probably most unglamourous instrument of the band. I accepted that graciously, and quit the band a few weeks after. I thought it rather silly to have to do push ups on the tarmac drive way so as to "toughen us up". If they had given me the saxophone, it could have still been manageable... but the bass????
More than a decade later, the saxophone and I are reunited, encouraged by Niks Biks, Kokopops, my close friends, moms and pops, stan getz and coltrane. I should send an email to Kenny G and tell him how much of an inspiration he was to me.
It's Delirious.
Last night, we celebrated the dancer's birthday and we were all dressed in bright neon colours. The colours kinda influenced all our moods. Guess it's kinda hard to be grouchy when you're dressed in lime green, flourescent orange and screaming yellow. It was really nice to get everyone together again at the end of the week, chatting, laughing, hugging, having some happy drinks and then some dancing. I personally think i danced abit too hard. By the time we were getting home, my knees were really sore. Gee, when did our bodies deteriorate?? Still, it was a great party.
It's Delovely.
Life lessons learnt this week:
1) The Asian Female has to rethink her strategy in order to excel in a male and caucasian dominated field.
2) Being young and rich does not give one the right to be rude and impolite. Must remember to tell friends to bring up their children the right way in the future.
3) One is never too old to pick up a new skill, or to pursue a passion, or to reignite a dream.
4) Paciencia, chica, paciencia.
5) Success breeds complacency. Complacency breeds failure. Only the paranoid survive. - Andrew Grove